December 03, 2019     cib    

CIB looks back on a very successful UCLG World Congress in Durban. The matrix of CIB members’ activities already showcased that various CIB members would be very active in Durban and this was indeed the case. Aside from the different sessions on leadership, migration, climate and youth participation among other, CIB also organized an informal gathering with its members, to discuss priorities for next year.


Activities of CIB: SDGs, coordination & more


The CIB Working Group secretariat organized three sessions in Durban: i) a Forum for CEOs of Local Government Associations, ii) a session on the SDGs in decentralised cooperation (co-organized with PLATFORMA and the Region of Catalonia) and iii) a coordination meeting with all associations and networks active in South Africa, in international development cooperation. The latter was co-led by SALGA and showcased great potential for further coordination and cooperation. Representatives from FCM, GIZ, ICLEI, CLGF, VNG International and SALGA that there is currently a lot of duplication of efforts by donors, which is a shame.


The session on the SDGs in decentralised cooperation showed that different UCLG members are already actively using the SDGs in their international partnerships, and that Agenda 2030 has changed the way we work together. The Region of Catalonia reminded participants of the study they are carrying out on this important topic. You can still contribute to this by answering to the survey (more information in EN, ES, FR).


The forum for CEOs of Local and Regional Government Associations (LRGAs) was the place to launch a draft declaration on behalf of LRGs, aligned to the Durban Political Declaration. The declaration describes the added value of working with and through LGAs, on the global challenges ahead of us. It will be shared with regional sections of UCLG and with other parts of the organization in the next months, so that it can be put on the agenda of the UCLG Executive Bureau. Please find the draft here, in EN, FR and ES.


Informal gathering of CIB members


The CIB members present at world congress also gathered for an informal meeting concerning next years’ work plan. Members agreed that we should safeguard the link between important outcomes and position papers from the Congress, as well as the GOLD report released in Durban, and the work of CIB. Other important topics for next years’ agenda include innovative financing, relations and dialogue with national governments, the SDG work of the OECD, as well as reinventing local democracy.


The Flemish Association of Cities and Municipalities will host next years’ CIB annual meeting, in May or June. The exact location and dates will be shared with you shortly.