Equality: It’s everybody’s business - Gender Equality Week in Canada

November 16, 2020     cib    

On September 20-26 it was Gender Equality Week in Canada. It is was a time when the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) honoured pioneering women who fought for gender-blind human rights, universal suffrage, employment equity, and many more causes that chipped away at privilege and challenged systemic discrimination. It was also a time to look around and acknowledge that subtle and glaring inequalities persist, both at in Canada and abroad. A time to ask the question: how we can be part of the solution?

Participate in FCM’s webinars on mining or business solutions in Latin America and economic transition in Ukraine

March 11, 2016     cib    

In the next few weeks, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) is organising several webinars and invites CIB members to attend and collaborate.

The webinars showcase FCM programmes and projects that are concerned with development cooperation abroad. Moreover, the webinars contain good practices that emerge from FCM’s experience, as well as an exchange of ideas both within Canada and between Canadian partners and foreign partners.

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