Tools for Promoting Inclusive and Resilient Economic Development by advancing strong partnerships

July 06, 2020     cib    

There are many ways to promote LED. Not necessarily better or worse ways, but different ways. This publication attempts to capitalise on this diversity, drawing on the experience VNG International and its partners gained in implementing ASPIRE in Somaliland and Somalia (Puntland State), as well as the experience of other organisations and programmes in the same field.

VNG International operates for the first time in Somaliland

May 11, 2017     cib    

Somaliland is the target region for one of the projects starting under VNG International’s new Inclusive Decisions At Local Level (IDEAL) programme. This will be VNG International’s first programme in Somaliland, stemming from a request from the Association of Local Government Authorities of Somaliland (ALGASL) to receive the kind of support that VNG International provides to many other African associations.

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