Development Assistance Grows in 2015 – OECD wants aid to be used to structurally improve receiving countries

April 27, 2016     cib    

In 2015, development aid grew by 6.9% from 2014, totalling 131.6 billion US dollars, as was recently reported by Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Local and regional governments to play an important role in inclusive development cooperation

September 09, 2015     cib    

The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC)  Steering Committee met on 3 and 4 September in Mexico, hosted by the Mexican Minister of External Relations. UCLG Champion on Development Cooperation, Berry Vrbanovic, Mayor of Kitchener and Vice-Treasurer of UCLG, supported by the CIB Working Group Secretariat,  attended the meeting on behalf of the local and regional  constituency represented by UCLG WS and FOGAR in this forum.

OECD: Development Assistance Committee (DAC) needs to adapt

July 17, 2015     cib    

At the beginning of 2015, the OECD published a new working paper, which assesses the need for adaption of the members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) to contextual changes. The DAC, which serves as an international forum of many of the largest funders of aid, was established in 1961 and has continuously aimed to facilitate exchange of experience and insights into how to co-ordinate and manage development finance for greater impact.

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