How to advance effective development : going local

June 24, 2016     cib    

"Local governments can be a very important catalyser to address the challenges that we have identified in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and other international agreements", said UCLG Deputy Secretary General Emilia Sáiz at a workshop of the Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) in Barcelona.

UCLG City of Bogotá Peace Prize – Call for applicants!

April 29, 2016     cib    

The UCLG City of Bogotá Peace Prize is a prize for local governments that have implemented initiatives in conflict prevention, conflict resolution or peace building, that are proven to have had a significant impact. Applications are open and now is the time to reach out to your network to reach as many potential applicants as possible!

About the Peace Prize

Further recognition of the role of local governments in the Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC)

March 09, 2016     cib    

UCLG to host GPEDC workshop on 21-22 June

How do partners of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation concretely work to achieve better development results on the ground? UCLG is pleased to announce that it will host the Global Partnership Initiatives (GPI) acceleration workshop in Barcelona next June, to discuss among national states, civil society organisations, trade unions, parliamentarians, private sector and foundations which approaches and partnerships work best to achieve sustainable development.

Further recognition of the role of local governments in the Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC)

March 09, 2016     cib    

UCLG to host GPEDC workshop on 21-22 June

How do partners of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation concretely work to achieve better development results on the ground? UCLG is pleased to announce that it will host the Global Partnership Initiatives (GPI) acceleration workshop in Barcelona next June, to discuss among national states, civil society organisations, trade unions, parliamentarians, private sector and foundations which approaches and partnerships work best to achieve sustainable development.

Local and regional governments to play an important role in inclusive development cooperation

September 09, 2015     cib    

The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC)  Steering Committee met on 3 and 4 September in Mexico, hosted by the Mexican Minister of External Relations. UCLG Champion on Development Cooperation, Berry Vrbanovic, Mayor of Kitchener and Vice-Treasurer of UCLG, supported by the CIB Working Group Secretariat,  attended the meeting on behalf of the local and regional  constituency represented by UCLG WS and FOGAR in this forum.

UCLG Africa organises regional seminars for African Local Government leaders

August 27, 2015     cib    

Following the signing of the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) between United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) and the European Commission (EC) earlier this year, UCLG Africa is now conducting a series of Regional Seminars across the African continent.

UCLG Africa - Invitation to Express an Interest in becoming technical partner to UCLGA in development of its capacity

July 23, 2015     cib    

UCLGA has been awarded a direct programme grant from the EU, to be used to improve the capacity of the organisation to respond to the challenges faced by local government throughout Africa and to directly establish programmes which can extend the capacity of local governments on both the elected and managerial sides.

The terms of the EU grant prescribe a tender procedure. UCLGA wishes to engage with a partner from within local and regional government which has a proven capacity to assist with a range of activities.


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